Blogs & Vlogs

"You're stressed because you care."
Building a community of encouragement one letter, blog and post at a time.
Let’s be friends!
What would being in love with God look like for you? As Valentine’s Day passed, I asked myself questions to learn more about God’s love.
I was asked to talk about prayer two weeks ago, and this is what I said. “For me, prayer is about two things: intention and surrender.”
I started running as a scrawny middle schooler, because all of my friends were on the track team. Saturday, I run my first marathon.
Have you ever worked super hard for something and you didn't get it? I've had my share of these moments and I want to share a little theory I came up with called "The Intersection of Faith and Hard Work."
"It doesn't matter when God is calling you if the knock on your door is soft or loud. What matters is if you're willing to open the door." -Lily Rain
Haven't heard the This Letter Contains Love story yet? Click the button below. I hope it inspires you to take the time today to encourage others.
If you could write a letter to the world what would it say? Who encourages you? How do you spread encouragement?