The famous saying, "When one door opens, another one opens," is sometimes easier to hear or say, than believe.
So here's a little testimony for you about my life and how that has proven true, and a guide to how to stay faithful when you see the door closing on you.
After going to Kingston, Jamaica and serving with and for others for ten days, I can easily say my life changed. I now saw who Jesus was and all He calls us to be.
In the months that followed, I found myself becoming more and more obedient to His will.
While in Jamaica, I felt called to serve my community in New Orleans when I returned home. On the final days of the trip, I remember thinking, "I want to combine my passion for running with serving children in the New Orleans area, but there probably isn't anything like that..." Door closed.
This was God moment number one. I found Youth Run NOLA, where I ran with mentees and trained for a half marathon that we all completed in March. Door opened.
Before I left for Jamaica, I thought I had everything planned and all figured out. I had applied to study abroad in New Zealand or Australia in the fall of 2018, but when I came back to school for the spring 2018 semester, I found that may not be the case.
When I applied all they asked for was my name and GPA, and without much explanation how students are chosen, I had two weeks until I would be notified and a meeting with my university's study abroad office. In the meeting I was told that the likelihood of me being accepted was slim and to consider another program, but by that time those options were slim too. Door closed.
"I feel like I'm being called to something new, something different and I don't think I'm supposed to be idle this summer," I thought.
So, I applied to internships at CBS, ABC, CNN and NBC.
I didn't get any of them for the upcoming summer. Door closed.
However, I was offered an internship for the summer of 2019 at CBS in New York City. Door opened.
“A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.”
In the end, I was able to come home, work 3+ jobs to save up to live next summer in NYC. I couldn't afford to study abroad and live in New York for a summer anyways. I'm thankful for how it all worked out. In Thomas Rhett's song, "Life Changes," he sings, "You make your plans and you hear God laughing." Which I think is just a smoother way of saying Proverbs 16:9.
Okay, so there's my story, but let me help you read between the lines…
It's been an interesting 6 months. Feeling my heart tugged to places where I had never been, meeting new people, finding God in new ways. Hustling to get intern applications turned in as I had only 10 days after finding out that the possibility of studying abroad was slim. I built a new resume, portfolio and asked for recommendation letters in the midst of Mardi Gras in NOLA.
I felt torn about staying in New Orleans or Oklahoma for the summer, but God blessed me with—obviously—many jobs in Oklahoma and a supportive family.
What I've learned is that obedience isn't always easy, but it pays off. His plan is always so much better than we could've imagined. I want to jump up to heaven and hug Jesus and tell Him, "Thank you so much for not giving me what I wanted, when I wanted it. I see now how Your plan is going to bless my life in unimaginable ways."
I hope whatever plans of yours succeed, or fall through that you’re able to know—and believe—all things work out for the good of those who love Him.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”