What’s the story?

In November of 2015, I wrote a letter to a friend. On the outside of the letter I wrote in messy, capital letters, “THIS LETTER CONTAINS LOVE.” Four words that would change my life.

A few months passed, and that same friend reached out to me and said, “I’m getting a tattoo.” My friend, Miranda, decided to have the, “LOVE,” from the letter tattooed on her wrist.

Click here to watch the story.

As time passed, my friends started writing the phrase on their letters. Eventually, it was time for me to graduate high school in May of 2016. Another friend, Madeline, gave me a letter for graduation and wrote, “This Letter Contains Love,” on the outside. What was inside, however, was another set of four words that would change my life forever.

The letter consisted of two pages. The first, explained how me being there for Madeline meant so much to her—even the little things like taking her home from school or track practice, and the long conversations we had while sitting in her driveway.

Madeline wrote, “You saved my life.” I was in tears as I flipped to the second page. Madeline wished me congratulations in the second letter, and told me to read the date of the first letter. Madeline wrote it in November of 2015. Exactly 11 days after I wrote Miranda.

The summer following graduation, I attended the church camp where I grew up, and met Miranda at, for the last time as a camper. During that week, Miranda shared the original letter I wrote to her seven months earlier.

I read four familiar words, “You saved my life.”

What I realized is that while Miranda’s kindness and love saved my life, I was doing the same for Madeline. I believe that is why we must never suppress a kind thought, overlook sending a letter, or encouraging a friend any chance we get. One of my favorite quotes is, “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.”

On November 10, 2017—two years to the day from when I sent my original letter to Miranda—I finally decided to share my story. I felt God calling me to start this blog, and since its creation, I have seen Him work in wondrous ways! My hope is that I will inspire others to be bold in their faith, take action in their calling, and constantly uplift others—via letter or otherwise.

On the three year anniversary, I will launch a This Letter Contains Love stationery line with the generous help of my talented friend, Ariel Landry. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to various causes each month.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and the letters I share here that I hope to encourage others with.

Please connect with me on social media, and join the movement to encourage others. Post your letters containing love, tag me, and use the hashtag #ThisLetterContainsLove. There you will also find updates on new stationery designs, what causes we will give back to each month, and ways to get involved in our community.

This Letter Contains Love,

Lily Rain