Thankful: Praying
I once heard a sermon where the priest said the two most common prayers were, "Thank you thank you thank you," or "Help me help me help me."
It sunk in then that our conversations with God are all about us. Then, I watched a video about prayer by Francis Chan called, "Stop Praying." (Check it out and his book Crazy Love, too.)
In the video he says something like, "Picture yourself coming before the Lord. That's what we do in prayer."
Wow. When he said this I realized how in awe I would be of how great He is and all He has done for me. I don't know if I would bow down or cry or maybe be unable to stop smiling. How would you approach Him on His throne?
So this week of Thanksgiving as we think about all we are thankful for, I challenge your prayers to not be that repetitive list you're so used to. (Trust me, I do this too some days.)
Instead, approach your prayer and Him in awe of every single blessing big and small in your life and be thankful.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?