10 Reasons Why I Gave Up Social Media This Summer
1. I needed to focus on myself.
Sometimes it's best to disconnect to reconnect with yourself!
2. I needed to love myself.
Comparison is the thief of joy, and whether you're scrolling through your Instagram feed or watching snapchats feeling FOMO or just comparing yourself or your life to others, what you're really doing is subjecting yourself to not being content with what you're doing, how you look and who you are.
3. Social media doesn't really tell you who you are anyways.
If we are all honest, we only post the good. Maybe because nobody wants to hear us complain or maybe because we want everyone to think our lives are perfect.
4. Let me say that again... comparison is the thief of joy.
It's crazy to think we actually care and can be so hurt by, "She got more likes than me." Or, "He liked her picture, but not mine." However, for my generation at least social media causes a lot of drama.
5. Did I mention time?
It's so precious y'all. And I didn't want to waste the time this summer going from one app to the next in my free time. Instead I chose to read, journal, exercise, be with friends and family or worship God more. Things that made me content.
6. You realize who your real friends are...
To those of you who whether you knew or didn't know I chose to give this up for the summer, but still reached out and kept me involved with your life--thank you. I think we--quite justifiably--believe that if we posted it, everyone saw it and knows what's going on in each other's lives but taking the time to text, call or talk to someone in person about LIFE. Beautiful!
8. I think social media can be positive.
I love that I'm able to keep up with family and friends across the country at the click of a button. I just got to the point where social media was causing me more bad then good.
9. We live to post... "Did it even happen if it wasn't on social media?"
Instead of being in the moment we are thinking about where to take the photo and what angle and what caption. I realized this the first time this summer I whipped out my phone just to take a photo of a gorgeous sunset. I knew nobody would see it. I took it just for me to look at and cherish. Then I put my phone away and took it all in.
10. Sometimes easy isn't always best...
We saw from this past year how quickly fake news is spread, and with 60% of people getting their news from social media today we need to seriously consider the validity of posts. Perhaps taking the time to read a newspaper or watch the news instead of easily skimming headlines others share is important. Don't worry! I fell for this too this summer when a friend sent me a link that said Whataburger was closing in 2018... I only read the headline and then later found out this was a hoax that many people were actually falling for! So yes, don't be worried about your honey butter chicken biscuits y'all. (-;
These are my reasons for taking a break on social media. After I wrote this blog I found actual calendars online to help people do a "social media detox"!
Courtesy of http://kaleinit.com/why-you-should-do-a-social-media-detox/
Can you believe that?! So I challenge you to spend 24 hours, a week, whatever you need to not check social media and live in moment more!