What a Beautiful Name YOUR Name Is
Dear Friend,
One thing I’ve noticed lately is there are so many people who aren’t recognizing their worth, who are hiding in the shadows and neglecting their dreams. They are doubtful and not confident in their gifts. Here’s what I want you to do.
Close your eyes and say your name aloud.
*say my name say my name*
Haha no, really, say your name.
Say it again.
Let me ask you this: What power lies in that name? When you think ‘Lily’ what do you think of?
It’s probably easier when you think of someone else. You think, “When I think about my best friend, I think about her beauty, her talent or her humor.” But what about you?
In Isaiah Chapter 43, it talks about how God knows us by name. Psalm 94:1 also says he knows us by name. In Jeremiah Chapter 1, it talks about how He knew us while we were in our mother’s wombs.
Think about the song, “What a Beautiful Name It Is,” by Hillsong. The lyrics go like this:
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
And later…
What a powerful Name it is
It’s easy to believe and sing these things about Jesus! What about ourselves? Yeah.. kinda makes you uncomfy. And I’m not saying we should be full of ourselves! But what if that doubt is holding you back from walking in the purpose God made you for. As he knit you together in your mother’s womb, He knew you. He knew the paths He would set out for you. All you would do, say and be. I think one of the best ways to honor God is to live to our fullest potential--what He created us to do. After all, we are all made in His image. We have Him in us. WOW that’s powerful! That’s wonderful!
But then you think about all the things he or she has that you don’t and you’re back to square one…
They say that comparison is the thief of joy. I believe joy comes from Jesus. So we are really out here letting people take that away from us?! When the Bible clearly says NOTHING SEPARATES US?!
In Hillsong’s song they later sing:
You have no rival, You have no equal
Think about that in terms of yourself. YOU have no rival. YOU have no equal. The Bible says that God will conquer our enemies and we should not worry.
Now I’m not saying we should compare ourselves to Jesus, because we will never be Him. Just as Hillsong sings: Yours is the Name, above all names
...but isn’t that our mission as believers? To be like him. To live according to His word. To strive to walk like He did, and speak in ways He would’ve spoken and love like Jesus did. YES!! There is power in that, too. That God created all of us in His image so that we might be living on this earth for that sole purpose.
Wrapping my head around that is so crazy. But what’s almost crazier, I think, would be to reject the dreams and plans and gifts that He bestowed upon us to live this out.
Close your eyes again.
Take a deep breath. Breathe in all of your blessings.
Now breathe out all of the worries and doubts.
Say your name. Say it again. Say it louder! Louder!
Yes! This is the living power of God in you. Proclaiming the love that He bestowed upon you. The gifts. The journey set before you. I will leave you with Romans 11:29, “For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.” Do you know what the definition of irrevocable is? Unchangeable. Final. So when they ask you the cheesy, “What would you do if you know you would not fail?” Say chase my dreams. No, SHOUT and SPEAK those dreams into existence!
Say, “My name is ____. And I am powerful. I am wonderfully made. I was created for a purpose.”
What a beautiful name your name is.
This Letter Contains Love.
P.S. Thank you all for your patience in waiting for another vlog! I will be traveling to serve with and for others in Kingston, Jamaica for ten days after Christmas. Although the website will fall silent during that time, please stay up to date with all things This Letter Contains Love on our new Instagram (@thislettercontainslove), and get excited for new content in the new year! Peace and blessings! -Lily Rain