“What do I want?” (Part One)


You’ll hear me say it a million times, but: WE ARE ALL SO BUSY.

How many of us actually take the time to reflect on our lives? When the day is done, it is easy and understandable to just pass out.

I’m challenging you to not just snooze. I’m challenging you to ask yourself a very simple question that could lead to so many life decisions, changes and goals being met.

Ask yourself today (right now!), “What do I want?”

When was the last time you did this? Without the influence, needs or wants of others interrupting those precious thoughts?

Now then, look past the superficial things. Look past, “Well I’m kind of hungry and I want a burger.”

Look into what you desire.

Here’s my list to answer that question (however I check in with myself every few weeks or
months and see what has changed or been added):

-I want to spend my money in a way that honors the Lord.
-I want to be led to love in His time.
-I want to speak slowly, carefully, justly and with love.
-I want to radiate joy.
-I want to bring peace to the world.
-I want to honor Him with my time, talents and energy.
-I want to honor my body—take care of it!
-I want to serve others.
-I want to dream big with Phil 4:13 in mind.
-I want to be led by Him (Romans 8:14).
-I want to encourage others.
-I want to love myself because I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
-I want to be brave enough to speak and share His love.
-I want to give more—according to His will.
-I want to be so rooted in His love, that I cannot be shaken by the tallest mountain or lowest

So, maybe some of these things you can’t set S.M.A.R.T. goals for, huh?

Some of the things I want will come with time, wisdom and patience. I think the point is to
look past, “I want a new camera.” Or, “I want to get this internship or job.”

Maybe even consider not just what YOU want, but what JESUS wants for you!

Perhaps those things don't correlate and life would be more splendid if you were on the same page with Him and willing to open your heart and ears to His plan.

I know that asking yourself this and putting Him first will lead you to something so great you couldn’t have possibly imagined wanting them in the first place!

Asking yourself, “What do I want?” in this way is necessary because it reminds us to look
past superficial and temporary things.

It helps us to set goals and steps to achieving what we want.

It puts us in check if we are missing the mark or not striving as far as we could to get what we want. It helps us guide the direction of our day and our life. It reminds us to
think of ourselves—some of us forget to do this!

This is your life. What do you want?


From the author:

We all get so caught up in the day-to-day we sometimes forget to reflect, live intentionally or care for ourselves.

As we start a new week, please take the time to read this blog. Then, write down what YOU want! It doesn't have to be tangible, but something you can strive for. It's so important to not get lost in this life, but to live it.

This Letter Contains Love,