
Why are we giving God our leftovers when He is the three-course-meal?

Let me explain.

It hit me the other night that many of us--including myself--pray, serve and worship with what is leftover. If there is nothing leftover, maybe we’re tired and running a little low that day, then God may not get any of us--let alone the leftovers!

God is the three-course-meal. What do I mean by that? He is there comforting us and forgiving us for our past. He is there walking beside us in the present. He is already standing where we will stand, and moving mountains for our futures. He is today, tomorrow and forever.

When I took this thought in and processed it, I realized I must come to God to give Him my yesterday, praise Him for today and pray to Him about tomorrow.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
— Hebrews 13:8