Home Is Where the Heart Is

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
— Matthew 6:21 (NIV)

Getting to go home is a blessing for me, but I'm not oblivious that going to college is a huge blessing. However, it also is a big transition. Especially if you choose to go to school far from home. 

Over Thanksgiving break, a friend back home asked me if it was weird coming home. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Well you're in your own home, but living out of your suitcase," she said.

What she was saying was that home doesn't feel like home because you spend the majority of your time now in another place. However, school isn't exactly home either, right? 

In all honesty, I moved over 700 miles from home and if you asked me where home was I would still say where I lived until I was 18-years-old. 

However, for some people the place they are in during this time of their life actually does become their "home." A friend of mine at college graduated last year and still considers New Orleans--not where she is from--home. 

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I found the image above on Pinterest, and when I did it hit me. I had made amazing friends at my university, but I also had great ones back home. I decided to take on a sentiment of gratitude. 

I'm grateful that my heart is spread thin. What I mean by that is that I can now say I truly love people all across the nation. 

This is my treasure. This makes me rich. 

If you're a college student like me and you are reading this, you're about to go to college or maybe you are just far from "home" right now, I hope you find rest knowing your real home is when you enter the gates of heaven. Home doesn't have to be a temporary or physical place. So for now put your heart/treasure into people and give them your love. 

Find peace knowing His arms are your home!
— Lily Rain