Happiness, Sadness, Distractions and Jesus

“There’s a difference between being happy and being distracted from sadness.”
— Tayler Anderson

Does everyone deserve to be happy?

If you asked me that question, I would easily say, “Yes.”

Yes. I believe everyone deserves to be happy… But. I think the world has painted a false description of what “happy” truly is.

Is it a new car? The relationship on social media that seems perfect? The latest style or trend? Having a busy life full of things always happening?


That is why I believe everyone deserves peace.

I believe everyone deserves peace.
— Lily Rain

To be at peace with yourself; who you are, what you are, and where you are in life is now worth so much more than happiness in a society that is constantly telling us what or who to like, what or who to wear or where you should or shouldn’t be.

To be at peace with yourself—I believe it is bliss.

I found myself going and going. Fueled on distractions. I was scared that sadness would be waiting, lurking right around the corner if I turned down the burners and obligations in my calendar that kept me going.

I was happy! I was doing so many things!

I wasn’t content, however, because I wasn’t finding Jesus or His peace with the worry that these things were only keeping me out of sadness’s grasp, instead of bringing me joy.

So where are you at peace? With who do you find yourself most at peace? What makes you feel the most peaceful?

Go. Do what makes you feel at peace, with the people and in the places that you feel this way. Meet Jesus there.

The truth is, I do not believe that Jesus wants us to be stressed. I think if we invite Him in and ask Him to lead the way, He will give us strength to face our busy life or strength to let go of the things that are taking away from our peace and the time we could be using to honor Him with our gifts.

My prayer for you and I today:


I ask that You open my eyes to what brings me the most peace. Help me Lord to not be distracted by things of this world, but to find Your peace and grace in the little things of each day that you bring. Thank You Father for this, and remind me when I forget that these things and You are all I need. Let me not forget that joy is found in You and You make mountains—and sadness—crumble.


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
— Romans 12:2 (NIV)